your word of the day: move

Your address, your body, your bookshelf. Shake out anything in your life that’s rusty, stiff, or stuck and get it into motion. Take a walk, take a hike, take a step away from stagnating jobs, relationships, and life patterns. Change perspective. Move closer to people who meet you with authenticity and who nourish your wildest dreams. Move away from everybody else. You don’t have to move mountains; shifting a single pebble can work wonders. Make your move — any move — now. If you wait until you have more money, more security, more grace, more anything, you’ll never move anywhere at all.

Excerpted from Words of Wisdom for Women, by Rachel Snyder (Fall River Press, 2003); buy it here.

Also available in slightly different format here, under the original title, 365 Words of Well-Being for Women (McGraw-Hill/Contemporary, 1997).

Move away from your computer: visit your independent bookseller while you still can!

4 thoughts

  1. Diane,

    Thank you for your support and your kind words! I’m curious to know how you came to find the blog today — and also, how you came to find my book. Are you in Colorado? Please visit often, and bring a friend or 12…


  2. Hi Rachel- My name is Diane. I can not tell you how many times I have read your book Words of Wisdom for Women. I read it before bed and it makes me feel invincible, powerful and proud to be a woman on this earth. I have purchased atleast 6 copies and give them to women who I think need a little “lift” in their life. I am amazed at the way you have with words.


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