patience (mine and yours) is a virtue

Apologies for not posting anything new in a while. If you noted my recent post (see below), I’ve been without a working computer for, oh, a couple of months now. I’m borrowing here and there to check email and moderate Comments, but it’s been hard to maintain a consistent creative flow.

This, too, shall pass – and I’ll be back with fresh, new inspirational poetry and more, before you know it. Thanks for your patience and your trust. In the meantime, poke around in some earlier Posts or check out the Pages in the right-hand sidebar.

PS to the two people who have contributed to my “technological rent party” : Thanks for demonstrating your support for my work; may it return to you three thousand-fold!

6 thoughts

  1. I need my Rachel-Snyder fix! I just know you’ve tapped into your creative energy while you’ve been away and will wow us upon your return!


    1. LOL, poeticgrin. You just might have hit the sweet spot with your Comment! I have lots to share, but am still synthesizing. Thanks for kicking my behind; I’ve been sensing that I might have something to say. Only question is: How exactly to say it??


  2. Hey Girlie,
    Oh the woes of technological break downs, (remember my own?) Just perusing around my own site and saw some of your comments. Figured it was time for revisit. Lots of changes on my end also, sold home and moved to God forsaken Birmingham, Al. Haven’t nailed down a job yet but still searching for the right spot. Going to flip burgers, if this economy doesn’t revive construction soon!

    Any ways just a quick hello and all the best Rachel.


    1. Howdy, Roy!
      So great to hear from you. Personally, I adore “God-forsaken” places, and have recently adopted/been adopted by a tiny ranching community (pop. about 72) in southeastern Colorado. This is the first I’ve mentioned of it in the blogosphere — but oh, boy, what a great story is unfolding on the dusty, windswept plains. I expect I’ll re-settle there in good time. Be thankful you had a house to sell. BTW, I’ll be looking for hearty folks who want to enjoy the (very) quiet beauty of the grasslands and help breathe new life into a c.-1919 historic building and maybe even move to a place where there are no jobs and no gasoline or markets for 50 miles. Think Field of Dreams, Lilies of the Field, Green Fried Tomatoes. ‘Nuff said. Thx for checking in! All best to you and yours.


  3. It’s so nice to find you here at all! I am a very loyal fan of your book. It has been with me for a long time, and even now in the middle of a move it is coming with me in my box of essentials. Thank you for something that has been a touchpoint in my life.

    I’ve looked for you online in the past and tonight after talking about the book with someone and linking to it on my blog I thought I would check again just in case I might find you and be able to thank you for the book. And here you are! So thank you Ms. Snyder – from the bottom of my heart. I love your book.

    P.S. I hope that your computer issues resolve themselves soon!!!


    1. Hey Megg. Thanks for finding me, and for the kind words. As with all things that might appear to be “problems,” my survivalist self is kind of enjoying all this. Your site is lovely – and will go into my Links as soon as (or, maybe “If”)I get back to regular blogging. Hearing from readers of my book never ceases to thrill me!


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