romantic spiritual love: i am you and you are me

woodcut "The Kiss"
Woodcut from "The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer" 1896

In every night and every dream
The stage unfolds the selfsame scene:
You sigh, you pause, you hold my gaze
The clouds depart, then next the haze

The elemental Act begins
Stage left, the angels saunter in
They stand, alight, with wings outspread
They need speak naught, their holy bread
And wine pour forth without a word
A sweeter silence n’ere yet been heard

Your eyes embrace my ready soul
Your touch, your skin pure spirit gold
Your fingers stroke each blazing scar
And look! There comes a newborn star

The lovers kiss, the world set right
Blessed Union, procreated Light
Each blossom swells the fruited branch
Now arcs aloft Creation’s dance

From shadow springs this radiant Love
Between, beneath, beyond, above
No sleep lives here, the dream’s the thing
Hark! Once again, the heavens sing!

Rustling breaths inspire a moonlit hall,
This single night contains the Sacred All
The sun moves in, all truth remains
Everything is different, yet nothing truly changed

Would Heaven decree an end to joy such as this?
What purpose may come in restraining Love’s bliss?
Reason has no rhyme here, so let it be:

Forever I am you
Awakened, you are me.

7 thoughts

  1. A wonderful and beautiful poem. There is such grace in the wording here. There is also a sense of peace in the poem. A great work indeed. Bravo!! Enjoyed my read.


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