whatever you do, do not give up! maintaining your faith through unimaginably difficult times

This is the fourth time I have posted these words since October 2008.
If you are sailing through life right now, bless you.
And if you are not, then you are even more greatly blessed.
Faith and connection to your Source are the most powerful tools available. Use them!
Thanks to thea for guiding me back to this one.

until then, maintain your faith:
inner strength for troubling times

When times are unsettled,
There is no place to go but deeper, and deeper still
You must excavate and as you do,
calcified residue of old ways will be thrown up in your face
You will taste it on your lips and gag as you swallow more than you want to
And then, after what feels like an eternity
You will feel a new radiance rise up in place of the old.

Until then, maintain your faith.

The change may not come gently,
even though you feel you have earned the right
to slide, toboggan-like, into a new existence
The goalposts will seem to move further away with every step you take
You will bump into nagging fears
whose chattering will attempt to throw you off course
You will wonder what you have done to deserve visitations
by such dark and unholy forces

And despite all that and more,
If you care deeply enough about the limitless light and love
at the core of your existence
If your journey is to claim your original birthright in full-throated resurrection
If you know you are here in perfect reflection of pure Creation
You will trudge on with your heart open bare to the elements, fierce as they may be

And while you do, maintain your faith.

Take your place with all you know to be good and right,
with kindness and compassion
And maintain your faith.
Surround yourself with the uplifting and inspiring,
with Nature’s glory and the fluttering of wings
Wrap yourself in comforts simple and profound,
the sweet innocence of a child, the soothing tones of a beloved’s voice
the soul-stirrings of art, music, and the constancy of the new day,
Disconnect wholeheartedly from any attempt to drag you
into the muck and mire of chaos
from forces intent on spinning you to and fro
And until that time when they spin themselves out of existence,
leaving behind the scent of ripened roses

Maintain your faith.

When it feels that two lines are forming
and the trains are preparing to leave the station,
choose carefully your fellow passengers on the journey
and do not leave your belongings unattended
Reconsider what you believe to be truth and what illusion
Remember who you truly are and what matters most
Reconnect with your personal version of Source
Link arms with the legions of others
who are seeking you out even as you feel alone and misunderstood
Like you, they wait impatiently to welcome in a nascent breeze of fresh becoming
Feel it wafting around their upturned faces
with the promise of an imminent and lasting peace

Until then, maintain your faith.

4 thoughts

  1. Thank you for your well meaning input. I have already done what you suggested. I am able to conjure the beautiful more and more. My quest is something else. Maybe I did not articulate the point too well. But thank you for caring.


  2. Rachel.. that is great inspiration. Being connected is having faith. Being is having faith. Surviving is having faith. Faith is what makes God a God and faith is what makes the Devil a devil. Faith is energy and faith is walking blindfolded on the tight-rope called life. Thank you for such a wonderful post. :) Cheers, Punam


    1. Rachel! This is a phenomenal poem. Is it because these are the words I would use? Is it because this is what sits in my soul waiting to be claimed by someone in need? No, probably it feels so phenomenal because it is Truth. It is Us. Oneness.
      Thank you for this incredible piece of spirituality. – Amy


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