your body is not a storehouse for pain and suffering

Innocence in Admiration, Paulo Zerbato

if you are seeking to be told which way to go,
you are not truly seeking

if your hanging on the hook is punctuated by a grasping need
for ironclad elucidation,
you have not yet surrendered your ego
in service of the greater cause

when you insist that your path resemble that of another,
that your very evolution keep pace with your plans and appointments,
that each and every pebble rapidly align itself in geometric symmetry,
you will find yourself distracted from that which offers greatest peace

fleeting doubts and uncertainty are landmarks on wisdom’s road,
they arise not to re-engage you in a vortex of confusion
but to look you square in the face and receive your gentle dismissal

a simple two-step is insufficient now,
the dance a step here, then back, then forward, reverse, repeat,
ideas hatched and laid aside, given up for dead
each and every action carries the radix of your existence

your body is not a storehouse for pain and suffering
your mind need not be the jailer who torments you under lock and key,
life is the party to which you invite yourself ~
surely you would not allow a single guest at your table
to go hungry and forlorn

meander slowly with deeply felt intention
allow yourself time and space to ponder,
to pass up, if you choose, opportunities that speak to a fevered mind
yet ignore the yearnings of a rambunctious heart

there are no two-sided coins,
each question silently echoes a limitless profusion of facets~
amid unbreakable fragments of untold clarity and brilliance
dark and sooted caves overflow with diamonds masquerading as coal.

11 thoughts

  1. Rosa, W*R*O*, moonskinlight,
    So happy to see you all here. The ☼ Illuminary☼ community seems to be made up of beautiful spirits, indeed. You are always welcome here!

    you know,
    Sometimes my compensation is simply knowing that a reader like you has found clarity, disruptiveness, and doorways in my Work. Then again, surprise gifts are a wonderful thing, too. You know? (:


  2. Illuminary sent me your word’s way…

    some of them resonate a little to close to home, some hit this iron wall around my heart and can’t penetrate…yet… :-)

    thank you,
    Wild Roaming One (WRO)


  3. So in reading and experiencing your writing, your work, I feel as though a path opens up. And a guide seems to have jumped out of the bushes, whispering “over here.” LIke “check this way out.” It’s like I am at this intersection of which way to go. Right, heart, left familiarity, straight ahead nowhere, and many other seemingly available choices that for some reason seem to have similar ____? There is a wonderful clarity in the disruptiveness, like a knowing inside says This Is It. Thanks for sharing your gifts so generously. Your compensation is on its way.


  4. Thank you for this beautiful and gentle reminder to be true to ourselves.
    (I was one of illuminary’s forwards and she was right. *grins* I needed to meet the wisdom here in these words. Especially of late).


  5. abichica,
    You are so welcome. I am pleased that you found such great resonance in my Work.

    Lee W,
    Although I was fully aware that we were at Equinox, I don’t believe the thought entered my mind while I was writing this piece. Ah, yes, the power of the subconscious. “Impeccable” is such a wonderful word. No doubt it will end up in a poem before we know it…

    I Love You. (:

    I Love You, Too. (:

    The words and the wisdom they contain LOVE to travel. Thanks for appreciating them and sending them out into the world. I hope your friends were similarly touched.


  6. I quite agree…this is Perfect for the Autumnal Equinox!

    Bravo Brilliant Sister! :)

    most especially…”fleeting doubts and uncertainty are landmarks on wisdom’s road,
    they arise not to re-engage you in a vortex of confusion
    but to look you square in the face and receive your gentle dismissal”

    (((Peace and Cascading Love,)))


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