you were born to sing a song of uncommon melody

"Woman at the Mirror" (Femme au Mirroir), Joan Miro, 1956

This is not the last time you will hear this:
Life hands you choice after choice,
Opting in for the wonderful does not command bliss without consequence
Even relegating yourself to the march of chaos is an invitation for daylight to enter
Unadorned, radiance aches to tickle skin beneath your sleeve

This does not mean that the sheets will fold upon themselves,
Your liberation brings the power and freedom to tend to life’s every nuance
The mundane is a cradle that rocks you gently into awakened slumber~
If nothing is changing for you,
Ask yourself why you have not taken three steps on new-fallen snow
Ponder whether you are still refusing to address the unavoidable question,
Or whether caught in a loop of your own making
You cycle endlessly on a track that takes you nowhere but back from whence you began

An emerald planted in the sand is ripe with possibility
Dust off the fine grit underfoot that speaks braille to your soul
It will raise the lustre with the selfsame motion if you allow it so,
There are endless facets lying in wait
Lift them out of their self-induced obscurity
And expose their tender underbellies to the goodness hidden from view

Perhaps you are hearing this for the first time:
A holy seed placed on the wind traveled far and wide
Attached itself seamlessly to your name and burst forth in wondrous genesis~
You were born to sing a song of uncommon melody
To dance in accordance with angels,
If you do naught but feed your soul without end,
This will be enough

There is little to embrace when wrapped tightly in your own clutch,
Expectation and fear can briskly hobble a weary spirit~
It is your job alone to welcome the true reveal
Revel in every moment, turn away from none
A drop of desert water is no different than an ocean

This mirror I have peered into many lifetimes
My polishing cloth perennially tucked underside my heart,
And when I dare to bring it out
Clarity astounds me with a release of staggering beauty~
My hands, head, holy instruments in pursuit of a master,
Tuned, with perfection, to the key of Me

6 thoughts

  1. I loved this magnificent piece Rachel! A wonderfully inspiring piece. “opting for the wonderful does not command bliss without consequence”- a great and thought provoking line! It is so true. how rare, if ever, there’s a time when bliss and consequence fall out of rhythm.


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