All For Love of the Word

This is a 24-hour-a-day gallery where I share my Words Divinely Wrought poetry and prose, invite you to utilize my Writing/Editorial services, and seek connections for collaborative projects, products, or events. Don’t be shy; I’d love to hear from you!

Intelligent Inspiration

Do you consider yourself an evolving human who is here on Earth for more than a humdrum, workaday existence? If so, here are poetry and art to nourish your hungering soul. Drink deeply and don’t be surprised if a word or phrase leads you to think, “Wow, that was exactly what I needed to hear today.”

(m)Use Your Words!

My (m)Use Your Words! service offers creative and editorial support when the right words feel out of reach. Stalled projects? Overzealous punctuation? Thoughts run amok? Let’s unleash the power of your unexpressed words and breathe new life into those already written. See the header menu above for more details.

An Interesting Story, Eugene de Blaas, 1843-1932

Why Not Connect?

I’m always thrilled to meet talented and inspired folks who resonate with my work and have a yen for synergistic collaboration. If you envision bringing your own unique gifts to my written and spoken word party, let’s see where the energy might take us. Contact me above or Comment on any blog post.