love letter to you, my friend (audio 3:27)

Le Sauvetage (The Rescue), 1894, Emile Munier

I think of you more often than you will ever know,
I invite angels to your side
to wrap you in Love
and the warm, sweet promise of gentler days
and peaceful, star-filled nights

In ways you can scarce imagine, 
I offer you a soothing balm of recognition, 
a long, luxuriant sip of acceptance, 
an ocean voyage marked by the rise and fall
of tranquil waters
and the fresh mist of everlasting grace

It pleases me so to walk ahead of you
and clear your path of brambles
To walk beside you and offer up a touch so tender
you may feel it only in anticipation,
To anoint your every step
with the wafting breeze of winged rose petals
To whisper words you have ached to hear
for far too long 

You, my friend, are beautiful
You, my friend, are a precious reflection
of All that is good and true
All that brings hope to a fractured world
And bespeaks a universal language
of harmonious restitution

You, my friend, are the light of the world in physical form
The power of the sun and the wisdom of the moon
live in your every cell
Your heart a lush garden whose careful tending
will reap your every desire
And in turn reconfigure all that has gone awry

Know full well that I have your back
That there are untold legions of others who feel as I do
That unceasing protection will rise
from your heartened surrender,
Emptiness is but a fleeting stop
that augurs deep and lasting fulfillment
All that leaves your side makes way
for an onrush of the better

Not a moment goes by that you are not loved
and cherished, my friend
Choose the beauty that is within you
The splendor that winks at you from every corner
Hear the silent intoning

You are Loved
You Are Love
Love Is You

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